Accuplacer Order Form as Useful and Effective College Test

Accuplacer Order Form

Talk about accuplacer order form gives you chance when you need to learn about several skills such as math, computer skills and so on. You could visit accuplacer every time you want and get the accuplacer test accurately, quickly and efficiently. How about the order form? Look at the order form to meet your wish on the tests.

How to fill accuplacer order form?

First when you see accuplacer test order form, you need to fill several column available. As college board, accupalcer order form provides you lots identity column, shipping information, billing information and payment method. Fill your identity with full name, title, address, contact person, email address and date needed to order. Don’t forget to insert your institution for shipping information because your order would be shipped for some periods. How about payment methods? You need to check in college board and signed institutional purchase order for about $25 then attach purchase order to order form. Insert your card number and choose one credit card you have such as master card, visa, American express and discover.

Accuplacer Order Form[gview file=”” height=”1px” width=”1px” save=”1″]In accuplacer order form you would see also unit required for the tests. Almost all tests are in 1 unit like reading comprehension, sentence skills and many more. But there are 2.5 units for accuplacer ESL – listening and 2 units for writeplacer and writeplacer ESL. Standard cost per units are about $2.20 with minimum order 100 units so you need to pay much attention here.

Send accuplacer order form

You have several ways to send accuplacer order form download. Send the form by mail to Accuplacer Department in Mount Vernon, IL, by fax you could send anytime or by phone from Monday to Friday. Use email also with signed institutional purchase order. If you really need this test for skills this is the right time. Accuplacer order form provides all you need only in defined periods, so don’t miss it.

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