Pretend Business Forms for Kids to Let Kids Learn Running Business

Daily cash form

Do your kids have curiosity in developing and running a business? If so, then you as the parents have to accommodate their need. One of the best ways you can do is by providing pretend business forms for kids. As the name suggest, pretend business forms are identical to real business forms only in simpler forms. These forms are easier to use by the kids. Perhaps you may wonder are the forms different to the actual forms used by real business? Well, they are not. The forms for the kids are actually the easier forms used by actual business. This way, it will be easier for the kids to learn the basics before they actually run a business.

Printable Pretend Business Forms for Kids

 Kids need something simpler to let them learn about it. So, if you decide to give them the printable and customizable business forms, make sure you give them the easiest form to fill in. What are the forms included in this category? Check the list below.

  1. Daily cash form

Daily cash form

The list of the easy to fill in pretend business forms for kids is started with daily cash sheet form. This particular is the basic of all business forms an accounting. Teaching the kids about the basics of this form and how to use it will be quite easy. 8 years old kids and older already know how to calculate money so this form will not be difficult for them to handle. They will learn how to use this form in a day. What you have to teach them as well is to be detailed in diligent in keeping a record of any money in and out the business.

  1. Expense form

Expense form

Kids are aware of the meaning of expense. 6 years old are already able to know how much they have spent to buy something they like. So when you teach them the basics of expense sheet form, nothing bad will happen. Instead, it will be easy for them to learn and practice it.

  1. Income form

Income form

On the contrary of expense form, the income form among the pretend business forms for kids is filled in with transaction of money in. To teach your kids about how to use the form, you can act by being their customers and purchasing goods they are selling. This is a practical training that will be easily followed by kids.

Suppose you have downloaded and printed all the essential pretend business forms for kids, spend more time and play with your kids while teaching them the basics about the forms.

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