Uncomplicated Potbelly Fax Order Form for your Sandwich Party at Home

Potbelly Fax Order Form

Potbelly sandwich shop provides the potbelly fax order form instead the online form. In the fax form all you have to do is filling the requested menu and so does the quantities for each item. Potbelly sandwich basically the same like Subway or any other sandwich shop that is very American infused cuisine. The shocking fact is, Potbelly deliberately serve the fusion with any other cuisine around the world. Fusion with Italian cuisine creates the Italian menu using salami and provolone cheese as its filling. The fusion with Mediterranean cuisine creates the sandwich with the tahini, hummus, feta, artichoke and roasted red peppers.

Potbelly Fax Order Form at a Glance

Potbelly Fax Order Form

[gview file=”http://www.formspdf.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/potbelly-fax-order-form.pdf” height=”1px” width=”1px” save=”1″]

If you look up the potbelly fax order form, you can see the sandwiches sold at around 4 dollars each. The way you must fill the fax form is so obvious and simple. Just follow the instruction on the left column. You can add some extra filling like meat, cheese, bacon or mushrooms. You also can diminish the item you don’t want to have in your sandwich by made the cross sign in your fax form. For example, you don’t want to have any pickles in your sandwich, so you must mark the pickles with the cross sign then.

You may also add some side dishes into your potbelly fax order form. The side dishes like soups, chips, and drinks are quite interesting to be the sandwiches companion. The next thing you must locate the nearest potbelly locations in your town and grab the fax number.

Potbelly Fax Order Form and Sandwich Party

After you filled out your personal information on the potbelly fax order form, you must also provide your payment information along with your credit card or just cash. If you use cash method, you may pay it later when the potbelly catering delivery man comes visit you. So now you are ready to have sandwich party in your home.

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